'Hi Anne, thank you for the series I've just been part of. I loved being there each time and giving this gift to myself. Your facilitation of the series was so encouraging, supportive and welcoming. I left each session feeling lighter and refreshed - yes, even after 3 hours dancing! These are the things that resonated with me:-
The music was superb, beautiful to dance to and filled my soul with splendour
The freedom to be me and do me as I chose, and dance to my own capacity
The group was easy to be with, to share dancing with, to enjoy each other's company
The space was wonderful to dance in - clean, large, light filled
I felt in safe hands the whole time. The gentle encouragement was uplifting and there was no pressure, which is what made it so enjoyable
This was a gift to myself, after realising that dance had been missing from my life for some time. I needed this, and it was given to me so gently and wholesomely. I really appreciate how you nourished us all. Thank you, I continue to dance at home and feel spiritually refreshed.’ 
Mazz Ryan

‘Alchemy classes for me are incredibly transformative as I always find the wisdom of my body is far more profound than any amount of talking will bring about. I am also realising that Alchemy classes are for my soul…my soul gets embodied and manifested through a mysterious process…it’s as though everything comes together: body, mind, heart…'  Abigail Gibson

‘…You are an amazing teacher, and you have an amazing gift – you create a safe place for people to work, a nurturing, nourishing place that is without fear or judgment…for everything you have helped me to achieve and the growth, guidance and nurturing you have given me, I cannot thank you enough…’  Simon Camroux

‘Anne - I wanted to thank you again for enriching all our lives so much. I blink sometimes thinking about how fortunate we are to be able to share in the process of this deep and non-linear work that you continue to guide us so sensitively through with so much love and care. It is like family and beyond it with the timelessness that resonates there, between us and through you into magical moments, one after the
other. It really is gold. You are gold!' 
Rebekah Stuart

'Alchemy dramatically changed my relationship to dance and my inner landscape. For as long as I can remember I've always loved to move, but dance was not anything I was formally trained in, so I lacked confidence in my ability to move and express myself creatively. Finding Alchemy in my early '30s was liberating, terrifying and life changing...it forced me to plumb the inner depths and allow them to be 'seen' - it unlocked a key inside of me to 'listen and follow' what  I felt, no matter what it 'looked' like and to allow a playful part of myself to consciously be called forth - something which wa salso foreign to my life experience at that point and required a deep feeling of safety.

Anne is a true master of her craft - her classes are like a womb for creativity, where you're held and nurtured to turn within, share, explore, dive deep and play. I'm in my 50's now and over the decades I've returned time and again to Anne's classes and then to her Alchemy Teacher Training, as for me there's noone like her...she's one of a kind; she walks the talk and she has such a depth of true humanity, compassion and integrity that is hard to find. I can't recommend Anne's Alchemy classes more highly and if you're scared, it's okay, you'll be held in love and taken care of so preciously. Alchemy is a gift to your heart and mind that you'll be thrilled you gave yourself. Thank you so much Anne for your shining light and sharing your love for your incredible life's work. Much love always, Melanie Doyle.'

'It is not an exaggeration to say that Alchemy changed my life. It profoundly influenced how I move through the world, how I see myself and how I relate to others. Every day I am grateful for any time I have with Anne and the Alchemy community.' Ella Baxter

'...When you enter an Alchemy space for the first time, regardless of any pre-conceived ideas of what you thought the class might be or how you might have to 'show up', you know you have stumbled on something special, rare and magic. I was first introduced to Alchemy when I was in my final trimester of my pregnancy in early 2014. The evening of the final showcase was the day my labour started, my daughter being born the following day. I was introduced to Anne's work and the power that is Alchemy Dance when I was in a peak time of transition - navigating much emotional turmoil as my body and identity was changing. Within the dance studio walls, Anne created a space of 'Home' - where ll of ourselves were welcome and invited to journey to deep places of feeling to then express freely and wildly and be met by others in the safely held, comforting space of being seen, witnessed and acknowledged - just as we are.  

In this life, I believe what we all seek is connection. Connection to Self, connection to others, connection to the world and the environment we inhabit. And I can say with full-heart, full-body enthusiasm that Alchemy provided all of that and more. Alchemy is a space I have returned to every year since, going as often as I could, my body and mind breathing a sigh of relief to be welcomed back home. No matter what resistance I was feeling, or what state I was in prior to class, the time spent with Anne and the group always transmuted the energy, providing great insights and integration. I drew upon this resourcing in my everyday life and it supported my capacity for self-regulation.

The gift of Anne is that she leads with her full heart. Beyond the decades of knowledge and skilled teachings she brings from her background in Body/Movement/Dance/Acting - are the pearls of wisdom she shares so generously from her lived experience. Her teachings weave the creative arts, spiritual mindful living and compassion for all beings. The Alchemy space provided me with a safe container to explore the inner workings of my world - through connecting with my body and expressing the rawest parts of myself. I grew in immense ways - having the courage and support of community to lean into feeling, move what was there to be expressed, and claim what was mine - dancing confidently into my becoming.' Cathy Williams

'...Anne, I wanted to extend my thanks for the gift of your work. It was beautiful to experience what can sometimes be, in this world, so intellectual, many words trying to describe sensation, feeling and being. To be in such love and open-ness with the group was just a beautiful, gentle reminder of coming back, to remembering my/our essential nature. Thank you for your work and for the shared experience. Much love to you in your days until we meet again.'  Nicole Alicastro

'...Thank you so much for weaving together such a beautiful day on Sunday and holding a space for us with such generosity and love. I am still glowing from the afterglow of what we collectively Alchemised!'  Rachel

‘…Alchemy means so much for me. It has been a place of transformation, friendships, authenticity and pure joy. Alchemy provided me with an emotional balance to accompany me through the transitions of my life. Thank you Anne for your being-ness, fullness, dedication to your truth and spirit. Thanks for sharing your gifts and your art of improvisation, thanks for dancing with the moment, embracing the breath and being so sensitive to others.’  Emilie

'Thank you so much for providing a space where like minded and open hearted people can share themselves so freely and completely. It is a beautiful thing to be a part of. My soul feels cleansed and nurtured. Working with you reminds me of how important movement and dance are to my life - for the moments when I am in the dance my mind is no longer master, body and mind are one and working together - in some way it is like becoming nothing, just pure energy, breath.’  Tristan

‘Hi Anne….I wanted to let you know how "life-changing" the Alchemy experience was... I experienced some extraordinary feelings and emotions that came up through the meditative, cathartic letting go and dancing with others. Your kindness and skill through the process meant every session was a fabulous experience. While it was a magical process and special to share with the rest of the group, what has been intriguing is some of the ways it's been playing out in my life since.  

I feel things differently. I've been lucky enough over recent weeks to travel overseas and found myself really tuned in to "the feel" of different sights and scenes. I feel more in touch with people when I really try and see them, and let myself be seen. I'm also able to enjoy things more and am more sensitive to others' emotional states. I guess it’s all part of one's innate intuition: it must have just been buried for a very long time and now has been unlocked and come to the surface. My relationship with music is different. Listening to music, regardless of genre, my body just wants to move, sway, tap out a rhythm....there's a real joy in doing so. And of course any opportunity to dance is much more fun now!’  C.B

‘…I feel as though the biggest thing I have gained through working with you is the affirmation that it is ok to just be me, whatever me is there in the moment...there is no need to hide, alter, subvert, impress, entertain, comply...just be! You have really offered me the opportunity to unlock, unveil, explore and challenge myself in many different ways and this has certainly re-fired my desire to create and challenge myself choreographically, creatively, performatively and personally. Why be complacent when you can be curious?’  Stephanie

‘…You have such a beautiful, accepting presence that holds the space, creating a container that feels so safe and encouraging to expand. I guess the main feeling is that you're always coming from your heart. There's a silent permission or invitation of allowance that I feel really touched by, and respect and honor you for. You’re offering something really sacred and amazing, something that has impacted my journey in a deepening, nurturing, healing and expansive way...so THANK YOU.’  Caroline

 Dance soulfully, live joyfully 

Photography by Simon Camroux