Anne O'Keeffe presents:
Alchemy Dance Improvisation

RISK (verb)…one ventures into the unknown, 
into vulnerability and possibly also into riches, 
good fortune and self-knowledge

ALCHEMY classes explore IMPROVISATION as a means to discover deep levels of embodiment, connection and presence. 

Through moment by moment attention to the body and the breath, we explore our sensations, feelings, memories and imaginings. Trust in our impulses is developed, as we affirm and embrace our unique qualities, allowing them to activate and inspire the dance. Together, we engage with the dynamic, alchemical process of integrating inner life with outer expression. As our awareness expands, transformational change becomes possible. Alchemy engages the heart and enriches the spirit in a joyful celebration of the moving moment.

An open, safe, generous space is provided for beginners and experienced movers, with participants exploring and developing their movement expression with support and encouragement from the entire group. The classes include dancing, writing, drawing and sharing, with some workshops culminating in performance 'sharings' of improvised solos, duets and group pieces.

Alchemy classes are sequential and have a cumulative affect, as we deepen our attention and expand our awareness. Gentle bodywork techniques (‘touch facilitation’) are used to release hidden tension patterns and blocks, allowing a rich expansion of movement vocabulary. Core exercises affirm and deepen understanding of the aesthetic choices we make in the moment. Improvised performance provides an opportunity to embrace, celebrate and share our dance.

Informed by Yoga, Meditation and Tibetan Buddhism, Anne’s work recognises the profound connection between  present moment awareness and the core of the creative self. When fully embracing the moment, we release the internal critic, freeing ourselves from perceived inadequacies and future expectations. Our dance, and our being, is then joyfully and effortlessly liberated.

Improvisation is a metaphor for life.

The present moment is the only aperture 
through which the soul can pass out of time into eternity.
- Aldous Huxley

Photography by Romeo Viglino and Dianne Reid